RootNote for Content Creators and Influencers

Content creators and influencers use RootNote to easily track their growth, show off their skills, and land more partnerships with brands and others.

All Your Data In One Place

One of the most difficult aspects of being a content creator or influencer is keeping track of how your brand is growing and where. While some creators have preferred platforms they focus on, others are constantly working to be present everywhere, whether it's the latest social media app, a new networking site, an e-commerce opportunity, or dozens of other types of platforms. RootNote has room for all of them, supporting hundreds of platforms and always adding more so you get the whole pictures when it comes to your content ecosystem. 

Social Media

Track data from all the top social media platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, and more.


Shopify and other top e-Commerce solutions? Yep RootNote can track it.

Fan Clubs and Communication

RootNote supports email list partners like Mailchimp and fan club-style platforms like Patreon.

Third Party Partners

Keep track of your Creator Stack by identifying all the third party platforms you use as a creator.


A One-Of-A-Kind Way To Grow Your Business

Dataspaces are endlessly customizable canvases content creators and influencers use to pitch brands, land new clients, and showcase what they're all about. It's like a media kit cranked to 11. 

Add Your Stats, Your Story, Your Content — All In A Few Clicks

Dataspaces feature many different types of "widgets" that you can add in order to craft the perfect pitch. Want to land a new client for some sponsored content? Put your best foot forward by showing your growing social following, embedding some of your favorite content, and talking about how your style aligns perfectly with that brand. Best of all? You can create as many different Dataspaces as you need, but your data always updates across all of them!

Perfect For Internal Tracking

Content creators and influencers use Dataspaces to land clients, but they also use them to create easy-to-understand reports on their progress. Create internal Dataspaces to track revenue, establish goals, and put different content strategies into perspective. The sky is the limit. 

Drag and Drop To Your Heart's Content

No more rigid boundaries and clunky layouts. With Dataspaces, you can easily drag, drop, and resize all of your different widgets, whether they're data, graphs, images, text, content, or anything else you come up with. Save different layouts and easily switch between them, or duplicate for a head start on your next Dataspace. 

Share With Anybody — And Never Worry About Updating Those Numbers

One of the biggest frustrations with media kits is how often you have to update them. With Dataspaces, the data you add updates in real time, which means you're never sending "old" or "irrelevant" data to potential partners or team members. Create an easily sharable link to send to anybody, or invite other RootNote users to collaborate on a Dataspace with you.