How To Use RootNote
Looking for some pointers on using RootNote? Look no further! Click the boxes below for tutorials and FAQs.
1. Welcome To RootNote!
An introduction to what RootNote is and who its made for.
2. Platform Overview
Get the lay of the land and understand how RootNote is organized.
3. Adding Creators
The basics of adding creators to your RootNote account.
4. Adding Apps
Learn how to add different apps and platforms to your Creator Stack.
5. Data Connections
Understanding the different types of data connections for bringing data into RootNote.
6. File Uploader
An overview of the file uploader for tracking additional data types.
7. Manual Data Entry
How to manually track and adjust platform data in RootNote.
8. Connecting Instagram
A walkthrough on how to connect Instagram (and why you need a Facebook Page to do it).
9. Creating A Dataspace
How to build Dataspaces including information about widget types and suggested uses.
10. The Content Page (COMING SOON)
An overview of RootNote's Content Page.
11. All Creators Summary
A closer look at the All Creators Summary and how to use the page for organization and reporting.
12. Bulk Onboarding
How to invite many creators to the RootNote platform at once and get started with data connections.